Oakura See-19
The Covid lockdown was an unprecedented time for us all and one that I felt driven to document. Oakura See-19 is a visual diary documenting the Alert level 4 lockdown in the small coastal township of Oakura, Taranaki.
A visual diary of my walks and daily exercise from teddies waving from windows to chalked messages of hope and kindness. The precautions taken by local essential shops protective plastic barriers and handwashing stations,school and clubs closed signs, the alien environment we were suddenly immersed in.
The book is integrated with quotes from Prime Minister Jacinda Adern of guidelines bringing context to the images included the visual Easter egg hunt and Anzac day.
Whilst Oakura See-19 was restricted to my daily walks from my home I believe the images will resonate with many communities during these times and unite New Zealand in kindness in such uncertainty.
"Thanks Rosie! Love my book! And will for years to come. Brought tears to my eyes to remember all that we've been through and all that we've done together. Thank you!"
"Books incredible, well documented... its like time stood still. Thank you"
"Love it - thanks"
"Its beautiful Rosie. I love it"
You can also check out my article in the community paper The Oakura Post, September 2020 issue before Oakura See-19 was published. WWW.theoakurapost.co.nz


Oakura See-19 is 116 pages full colour soft covered book. Set out as an easy A5 landscape format ideal for the coffee table and browsing at leisure.
After my first run for the Oakura Community, the price is $35.00 plus P&P
If you would like a copy please email me directly at rosie@rosiemoyesphotography.co.nz for payment and delivery details.


